Informal Publications
- 01.12.2015 - “Blockchain for Dummies” Authoritative Book on Blockchains
- 07.12.2015 - Soft Forks and Bugs - A Dialogue with Mike Hearn
- 09.10.2016 - Bitcoin-NG Review
- 01.29.2017 - Efficient Hasher Hypothesis
- 09.24.2017 - Game Theory of Thrones
- 09.24.2017 - Marching
- 09.24.2017 - Modern Finance
- 09.24.2017 - True Money is Purchasing Power
- 10.12.2017 - Fork Futures – Appendix
- 01.15.2018 - Fusing Two Coins
- 03.26.2018 - Marketcap Isn’t Bulls**t
- 09.11.2018 - Unplanned Interactions
- 06.21.2019 - “Rights” – Appendix to ‘Consent of the Governed’
- 12.11.2019 - Breaking CashFusion With Pen & Paper (But Only Sometimes)
- 12.12.2024 - Covenants Support Rationale
- 07.25.2017 - Bitcoin: A $5.8 Million Valuation, by Mr. Game and Watch. I got this newer version directly from the author in 2017, it (apparently) has corrected one typo in the original paper.
- 09.13.2020 - Krawisz Debate Prep – My notes for my debate with Daniel Krawisz, on Signalling, Hard Forks, BSV, and Scalability. The lower part of the pages is visible here.
- 10.29.2020 - Teaser Slide – During my CryptoVoices podcast I teased “Part 2” of my condensed prediction markets talk. In particular I teased one slide – here it is (two slides in fact)!